California Residential Building Codes for Double-Hung Windows
California Building Codes for double-hung windows
California Building Codes regulate the size and location of double-hung windows. These codes govern window size, how wide they open, how many windows should be installed in a residence, the material windows are made of and the type of window glass used. California updates its building codes every three years and is scheduled to update its building codes in 2013. These updated codes will then go into effect in January 2014.
California Residential Code Section R310
California Residential Code Section R310 requires residences to have at least one emergency escape route and rescue opening in each habitable room, including basements. Escape routes should open directly into a public way or to an area that opens directly onto a public way.
California Residential Code Section R303
California Residential Code Section R303 spells out the percentage of your home’s aggregate glazing area, which includes visible glass and the translucent part of a window or door. In other words, there are codes governing the size and number of windows in your residence.
California Residential Code Section R327
Exterior windows, according to California Residential Code Section R327, must be constructed of multi-pane glazing with at least one tempered pane, when individual panes are smaller than one square foot or constructed of glass block units, or have a fire-resistance rating of at least 20 minutes based on requirements developed by the National Fire Protection Association.
California Residential Code Section R310
According to California Residential Code Section R308, windows that are smaller than nine square feet don’t have to use safety, or tempered glass, unless the windows are less than five feet above a bathtub or shower, are within two feet of a door’s swing and less than five feet from the floor, or a “walk-through” hazard.
DiJulio Law Group