Know Who to Call During These 3 Stressful Real Estate Issues
California real estate law can be quite confusing. You may not anticipate ever having an issue, but you never know when a problem might arise. Problems with neighbors, problems with landlords, problems with banks, or problems with the law can all potentially lead to unwanted stress and living uncertainties.
Here are a few of the potential real estate issues that could arise in California.
Boundary Disputes
One of the most frustrating real estate problems is a having a boundary dispute with your neighbor. It could come up as soon as either you or your neighbor move in; in other cases, disputes arise when you least expect them. To avoid these unwanted boundary disputes, make sure that you have all real estate documents stored in a safe place so you can access them when necessary. It’s also recommended that you consult with a real estate attorney during any dispute as well.
Eviction Process
Being evicted can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. There is so much uncertainty about what’s to come and where you should go. It’s important to be 100% sure that your landlord is acting lawfully and that all eviction notices were given in the allotted amount of time. In California, if a tenant has lived in the property for more than one year, the landlord has to provide a notice to vacate at least 60 days prior to the eviction.
Foreclosure Process
Another scary time in a person’s life is during a foreclosure. This can be even more intimidating because banks are involved and the repercussions could last a lifetime. It’s important that you contact an experienced real estate attorney as soon as you think you might be in danger of being foreclosed. There are plenty of laws that protect your rights of fair notice and amount of time to come up with the money.
Don’t handle these stressful situations on your own, because they can go from bad to worse quickly. Consult with a real estate attorney who can help. If you need any assistance with real estate in California, contact the DiJulio Law Group today.